Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Solstice Shift

Long hot days make for long shadows
in blazing sun I’m quick to escape
into self-absorbed shade, behind shades
where my shadows will blend
with the shadow of a doubt of the world’s ending cusp

in disturbed dreams
is the sweat on my sheets from running?
Underworld writhes and shouts out
silent warnings to the bright illusions of long days
beginning to end as soon as we’ve begun to love them

as if in reply
in bird’s sweet songs of assurance
are the loving smiles of dead mothers

Summer’s rest beckons
and best intentions of work and duty
dissipate like ice in coffee
as the hours stretch longer
to make more room for both of us

Me and My Self are both here today
under the sun’s pinnacle
two short shadows are thrown into opposites
the past seems before me
the future hidden behind

the eyes in the back of my head
awake to signs and wonders
unintelligible, untellable, undeniable
and fiercely known in white hot truths

a running strike of lightning
sears a burning cross in the tall grass
of my field of dreams
and I am marked head to toe
branded by g-awe-d’s call and claim on the “I am” offering.

June 21, 2012
rubidge street

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