Friday, May 10, 2013

Old friends are the best friends

old friends are the best friends
you can’t piss them off
you know they’ll be there even if you’re a jerk, petty, needy
to give you a slap upside the head
and let you know
when others might fain remark
or just turn away

old friends are the best friends
they know how childish you can be
because you were children together
when green energy was in your limbs
when immortality ran in your veins
when all the twists and surprises life threw at you
were new lands discovered
you scaled virgin mountain peaks of joy
you hacked through deep jungled emotions
you skinny dipped in the cold clear knowledge of your own truths  
laughed so hard you lost bodily functions
and defied the night to take you away
before you saw another day rise

old friends are the best friends
they sat with you
when fantasy fled
and your world melted down
around your ankles
in puddles of despair
they are the soft spots of your flesh
between the calloused armour
of the adult’s adopted home of cynicism
walls of experience’s fear
prison bars of necessity’s job
failed dreams of freedom
and the Peter Pan heartbreak of becoming a parent
who now hopes to just do
as good a job
as the crappy job 
you once thought your own parents did

old friends are the best friends
they tell stories about you that you have forgotten
they tell stories about you that you’ve tried to forget
They tell stories about you that you’re sure never happened

somebody once said
“home is where
when you show up
they have to take you in”

old friends are the best friends
they are the members of your pack
their memories hold your story for you
their friendship holds your heart for you
they’ve got your back
without wanting you back
they send you out
for another round
another ring of the tree trunk
another adventure
in the quest
to discover the fount of eternal youth

annual boys fishing wknd
May 5th, 2013
3 bros falls

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